Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Making progress...

We are very excited & thankful that we are making progress in the Haitian Government with our adoption of Jimmy & Johnny.  A few weeks ago we found out that our need for a dispensation (extra step of approval because we have a biological child)  has been approved and we are now exiting IBESR (Haitian Social services) & are onto the final steps of bringing our boys home.  We have been told that timeline will take approximately 4-6 months. That is great news but we are praying for much sooner!!! 

It is rather difficult for me to explain the process and timeline of adopting from Haiti; I found an outline of the process we have gone through thus far.  We are onto Step 3!!!!!! Can't wait for all of you to meet our sweet boys!

Thank you for your prayers & support,

Joe, Jen, JoJo, Joey, Jada, Jimmy, Johnny & Judy 

-        Complete your home study
-        File your I-600A with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. When you file your I-600A, you will also schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted at the nearest USCIS office. 
-        Compile your dossier according to the provided list and samples. Please make sure any notaries you use follow your state’s notary requirements exactly. For an explanation of what must be included on a notary statement, contact your state’s Secretary of State office.
-        Have all documents certified by your state’s Secretary of State office. They will put a one-page cover sheet on each document certifying that the notary is legal.
-        Send a copy of your dossier to the Children of the World office to have Lynde Langdon look over it before it is translated into French.
-        Have your dossier translated into French, including the certification letters from the Secretary of State.
-        Send portions of your dossier to the Haitian consulate in Chicago to have them authenticated.
When your dossier is complete, each document required should have the following: Notarized original in English, certification letter in English, French translation of original and certification letter. The Haitian consulate will put an authentication stamp on the documents that require authentication.
Once your dossier is received, you will be matched with a child and receive a referral letter. You may decline a referral; if you do so, another attempt to match you with a child will be made. You must sign the referral letter and return it before your dossier will be submitted in Haiti.
-        Travel to Haiti to appear in court, deliver your dossier and file your I-600 at the U.S. Embassy. You must have an approved I-171H from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services before travel.
-        Dossier completion on the child: Our Haitian attorney compiles the necessary paperwork for your child to begin the adoption process.
-        First legalization: The courts must give the attorney approval to pursue the adoption.
-        IBESR: The Institut du Bien Etre Social et de Recherches, the Haitian social services agency, must approve the adoption. If you do not meet the requirements of Haitian law, IBESR must receive a Presidential Dispensation before it can approve your adoption. This can take a year or longer.
-        Courts/Parquet: The Haitian courts approve the adoption and issue the final adoption decree.  There are a series of legalizations and hearings before the adoption decree can be issued.
-        Haitian attorney applies for a Haitian Passport for the child
-        Haitian attorney takes child’s birthparents to the Embassy for interview with U.S. immigration officials.
-        After the passport is received, attorney delivers the dossier to the U.S. Embassy and the child must go for medical appointments with an Embassy-approved physician.
-        U.S. Embassy schedules a visa appointment for your child.
-        Travel to Haiti to complete visa appointment and bring your child home!

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